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    A Guide to Choosing Balcony Power Plant Tracking System

    • 5 min read

    Balcony power plants equipped with tracking systems dramatically enhance solar energy collection by adjusting the orientation of panels to capture the optimal amount of sunlight. This technology is vital in confined spaces like balconies, where manual adjustment to achieve the best sunlight exposure is challenging.

    Our guide will explore the different types of balcony power plant tracking technologies and their benefits, helping you understand which system might be best for your balcony power plant setup. Dive right in!

    balcon power plant tracking

    What Is a Solar Tracker? How does it work?

    A solar tracker is an advanced device integral to enhancing solar panel efficiency by dynamically adjusting the panel’s orientation to align perfectly with the sun’s trajectory throughout the day. This continuous adjustment is crucial as it allows the solar panels to capture maximum sunlight, thereby increasing the system's overall energy output.

    The function of a solar tracker revolves around its ability to detect the sun's position in the sky using sensors or algorithms. These trackers make calculated adjustments either on a single axis (horizontal or vertical) or a dual axis, ensuring that the panels maintain the optimal angle to absorb sunlight. This optimization process not only boosts the energy production compared to stationary setups but also significantly improves the performance during peak sunlight hours.

    Moreover, solar trackers are designed to work seamlessly with various types of solar installations, from residential balcony power plants with tracking systems to large-scale solar farms. For instance, these tracking systems are often present in advanced balcony power stations like the Anker SOLIX balcony power station 800 watts RS40P (890W IBC module PV) with balcony brackets. By enhancing sunlight capture, these trackers reduce the need for additional energy generation sources, making solar power a more viable and environmentally friendly option.

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    What Are the Types of Solar Trackers

    Solar trackers come in various types, each designed to optimize solar panel efficiency by maximizing sunlight capture. The two most common types, astronomical tracking and sensory tracking, are what we’ll elaborate on next.

    Astronomical Tracking

    Astronomical trackers employ algorithms to predict the sun's position, adjusting panels for optimal sunlight capture all day. This system is best suited for areas with stable and predictable sunlight patterns, ensuring that panels consistently face the sun for maximum energy absorption.

    Sensory Tracking

    Sensory trackers use real-time sensors to monitor and respond to the sun's position, adapting dynamically to changing light conditions. This method is ideal in environments with fluctuating weather, as it continuously realigns panels to capture the most sunlight, enhancing energy production even in less predictable settings. 

    Pros and Cons of Solar Tracking System

    Investigating the advantages and drawbacks of solar tracking systems is crucial for optimizing solar energy efficiency. Understanding these factors helps in deciding whether the benefits of enhanced energy production outweigh the additional costs and maintenance associated with solar tracking systems.


    1. Optimal Sunlight Capture:Solar trackers enhance sunlight exposure by continuously adjusting panels to directly face the sun throughout the day, optimizing light absorption and significantly increasing the efficiency of energy capture.
    2. Increased Energy Yield:By following the sun's path, solar trackers can improve the energy production of solar panels to a significant degree, making them more effective than stationary systems, especially in areas with high solar incidence. For example, the Anker SOLIX solar bank 2 E1600 Pro system boasts a 2400W max yield thanks to its state-of-the-art tracking system.


    1. Higher Costs:The advanced technology and dynamic components of solar trackers make them more costly than traditional fixed systems. This initial investment may be prohibitive for some users considering solar solutions.
    1. Maintenance Requirements:Solar trackers involve moving parts that require regular maintenance to ensure long-term functionality and reliability, potentially leading to higher upkeep costs compared to fixed systems.

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Solar Tracking System for Balcony Power Plants

    Assessing the impact of solar tracking systems on balcony power plants is crucial for optimizing energy generation and efficiency. Here are the main points to consider:

    1. Increased Energy Production

    Assess how well the tracking system follows the sun throughout the day. Effective tracking should maximize sunlight exposure on the panels, increasing energy production by up to 25-30% compared to fixed systems. Higher energy yields indicate an effective tracking system.

    2. System Efficiency

    Evaluate the mechanical components of the tracking system. Reliable motors and gears that operate smoothly without frequent breakdowns contribute to overall system efficiency. Additionally, consider the frequency and complexity of maintenance. Effective tracking systems should require minimal maintenance while maintaining high performance.

    3. Installation and Space Utilization

    Ensure the tracking system fits well within the limited space of a balcony without obstructing movement or views. An effective system should maximize energy production while occupying minimal space. Plus, systems that are easy to install and integrate with existing balcony structures are more practical and effective.

    4. Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Compare the initial cost of the tracking system with the projected energy savings over time. An effective system should offer a reasonable payback period and long-term financial benefits. Moreover, durable systems that offer extended operational life provide better value and effectiveness.

    5. Environmental Impact

    Evaluate how the increased energy production from the tracking system contributes to reducing overall electricity consumption from non-renewable sources, thereby lowering the carbon footprint. Effective systems should use sustainable, recyclable materials to minimize environmental harm.


    Understanding the dynamics of balcony power plant tracking systems is crucial for those looking to optimize solar energy efficiency in limited spaces. These systems, which automatically adjust the panels' orientation to follow the sun, significantly enhance energy capture and efficiency. By discussing the different types of tracking systems and their respective pros and cons, you can determine the best tracking system for your balcony power station and embrace solar power with confidence.


    How much do solar trackers cost?

    The cost of solar trackers for balcony power stations with storage varies depending on the type, size, and complexity of the system. On average, single-axis trackers can range from €0.15 to €0.25 per watt installed, while dual-axis trackers are generally more expensive, ranging from €0.20 to €0.35 per watt installed. Additional costs may include installation, maintenance, and site-specific considerations.

    Are solar trackers worth it?

    Whether solar trackers are worth it depends on factors such as location, energy requirements, and budget. Solar trackers can increase energy production by up to 25% compared to fixed systems, potentially offsetting higher initial costs over time. They are particularly beneficial in locations with high solar exposure and where space is limited, maximizing the efficiency of solar panel installations.

    Astronomical and sensory tracker, which is better?

    The choice between astronomical and sensory trackers depends on specific needs and environmental conditions. Astronomical trackers use algorithms based on the sun's predicted position, making them reliable in locations with predictable sunlight patterns. Sensory trackers, on the other hand, adjust in real time based on current sunlight conditions, making them adaptable to varying weather and light conditions. The better option would thus depend on factors such as location variability and the level of precision required for optimal solar energy capture.